PHRASAL VERB (价格等)达到最低点,停止恶化 If a trend such as a fall in prices bottoms out, it stops getting worse or decreasing, and remains at a particular level or amount.
He expects the recession to bottom out... 他预期经济萧条将见底。
He expects the recession to bottom out 他预期经济萧条将见底。
House prices have bottomed out. 房产价格已经止跌企稳。
When the next speaker produced all those facts, he knocked the bottom out of my arguments. 当下一位发言人提出所有论据时,他把我的论点彻底驳倒了。
But, no matter how hard they hammered, the well would eventually bottom out and the oil would dry up. 但是,不论他们多么努力,最终,油井会打到底,油会干枯。
A mouse's levels of the DNA-repairing protein XPA are different from ours& they peak in the morning and bottom out in the evening. 人类的DNA修复蛋白XPA含量变化与老鼠的不同,一般在早晨达到峰顶,而晚上则降低到谷底。
Pretty soon, yep, you know how it happens, you bottom out. 很快的,是的,你知道它是如何发生的,你走出低谷。
On the first question it looks like the global economy will bottom out in the second half of 2009. 关于第一个问题,看起来全球经济将在2009年下半年见底回升。
It is desirable to have the die "bottom out" or strike the paper at the point where the stretch of the material comes close to reaching it's maximum limit without cracking or tearing. 这是可取的“末位淘汰”的死,或击点舒展的材料很接近,以达到它的最高限额不开裂或撕裂的纸张。
Introduction of new welding technology to rid itself of the past old WX3-12 series bottom out phenomenon. 采用新的焊接技术彻底摆脱了以往老的WX3-12系列的底盖脱离现象。
The rise in mortgage rates really knocked the bottom out of the housing market. 抵押率的上升确实削弱了房屋市场的基础。
This sudden cold spell has knocked the bottom out of the market for seasonal items like ice cream and suntan oil. 突来的寒流使得一些季节性商品如冰淇淋和防晒箱等的销售锐减。
The global advertising market will bottom out in the current quarter, one of the world's largest media agencies predicts in a report released on Monday. 全球最大媒体机构之一在今日发布的一份报告中预测,全球广告市场将于本季度见底。
She knocked the bottom out of our argument. 她把我们的论点驳得体无完肤。
He showed no interest in it, and his refusal has knocked the bottom out of our plan. 他对我们的计划一点都不感兴趣,而且他的拒绝使我们的计划付诸东流。
At some point, global stock prices will bottom out and rise. 在某一时间,全球股价将触底反弹。
Some glaring uncertainty still needed to be resolved, but I would expect the Asian financial crisis to bottom out in a number of years and we shall then witness a slow but sure road towards recovery. 虽然我们要面对一些重大的不明朗因素,但我预期亚洲金融危机在数年内便会结束,届时亚洲的经济必定能够走出谷底,逐渐复原。
This thing shook the bottom out of all my Sunday-school teachings. 这件事把我所有从主日学校所受的教训从根本上动摇了。
However, for the first time in 16 months the rate of decline eased from the prior month, offering some hope that the property market could be beginning to bottom out. 不过,这是16个月以来当月跌幅首次低于前月跌幅,该数据为房地产市场可能已开始触底提供了一线希望。
Second, tax regimes have started to bottom out. 第二,税率已开始接近谷底。
However, while top officials in both the US administration and central bank think the economy will probably bottom out in the second half of this year, they remain wary of calling the turn in the economic cycle. 不过,虽然美国政府和央行的高级官员都认为今年下半年经济有望见底,但他们都谨慎地不愿预测经济周期转向。
The way a person is difficult to bottom out. 一个人的路,难以走出低谷。
He estimated the bank's card business will "bottom out" in the third quarter of2011. 他估计银行信用卡业务在2011中的第三季度将“降到最低点”。
His pithy comments knocked the bottom out of my argument. 他精辟的评论驳倒了我的论点。
Pads which bottom out, should not have spring pockets. 最底的垫板,不需要弹簧保护装置。
There is no sign that the recession have bottom out yet. 没有迹象表明萧条已经到了极点。
It will bottom out at some point. 在某时它会降到最低点。
Your objection knocked the bottom out of my original plan. 你的反对意见破坏了我原来的计划。
But against that, no one knows where falling demand will bottom out. 但现在也没人知道不断萎缩的需求会在何处触底。
The global economy is starting to bottom out from the worst recession and financial crisis since the great depression. 全球经济正开始从自大萧条(greatdepression)以来最严重的衰退和金融危机中见底回升。
Until some of the leading economic indicators bottom out, it is too early to be optimistic on next year. 直到一些先行经济指标见底,目前对明年乐观的预期还是言之过早。